"Every storm brings the promise of new beginnings; plant your seeds and let the rain do the rest."
A Christmas Eve Memory from Typhoon Odette
As I reflect on this special day, I can’t help but remember December 2021, when Typhoon Odette struck our beautiful island. It was a rare event, a 200-year storm that hit just as we were gearing up to open our doors, still recovering from the impacts of COVID-19. Growing up in Houston, Texas, I learned from my parents the importance of preparation for hurricanes, and that knowledge served me well.
David Le
12/24/20241 min leggere

Merry Christmas Eve to all my friends in Palawan and Texas!
Three years ago, back in December 2021, our island faced Super Typhoon Odette - a rare storm that comes only once every 200 years. We were still recovering from the global COVID shutdown and hadn't even opened our doors yet. Growing up in Houston with frequent hurricanes, my parents taught me the importance of preparation. That lesson proved invaluable.
We were fortunate - we'd secured the property and everything was tied down. I sheltered our staff in the cemented room while staying with my girlfriend's family in Puerto. When the eye of the storm hit, Puerto Princesa lost all power, water, and internet. For four terrifying days, I had no way to know if my staff was safe. The main highway north was completely cut off, with bridges down everywhere. We watched anxiously as the government slowly rebuilt access, bridge by bridge.
Finally, on the fourth day, I got a signal and reached our property manager Ron Ron. What a relief! The staff and their families were safe. Our solar power was running at 100%, the deep well water was good, and main structures stood strong. Yes, we lost our beach bridge, many trees, and the fence line - but none of that mattered compared to everyone's safety.
This Christmas Eve, I'll never forget that special dinner we shared with neighbors, staff, and their families, grateful to be together and ready to rebuild our community. These moments remind us what truly matters.